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Cambridge As A Housing First City

This is an artistic and educational event focused on spreading awareness about housing injustices occurring within our community and what steps must be taken to make housing in Cambridge more accessible and equitable. We want to help start a dialogue that would encourage Cambridge residents to ask critical questions about housing equity in their city. Featuring a program full of talented performers and speakers, many of whom are members of the unhoused community, we hope to educate the community about what it's like to face homelessness in Cambridge. We will also discuss why Cambridge must adopt a Housing First model, which would make housing both accessible and a guaranteed right for all community members and invest in supportive services for those who suffer from mental illness, addiction, and job loss.

This event will also provide resources about what a Housing First model means and how we can attain real housing justice within the community. By amplifying the voices of the unhoused and those experiencing housing insecurity we stand in solidarity with the most vulnerable residents in acknowledging that the human rights violations within our community must be stopped.